How To Survive Teachers Part 3

You’re finally going to find out how to get the best grades for all types of teachers. But, before jumping to the conclusion that all teachers are out to ruin your life, think about what YOU have done this year. Think about all the missing or late assignments you might’ve had for them, all your trouble they had to put up with, or even you just sleeping on a bean bag chair in the back of the room during class. It may not be THEM that you don’t like about them. If you still think it’s not you, let’s proceed. Some teachers have different ways of teaching. Maybe they’re strict or like to reward you for doing better or even just need to push you around a little to make you work for it. Remember, if you fail, they fail too. It means they’re not done with their job of teaching you everything you need to know about the world out there. 🙂


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How To Survive Grades

“Your grades are important for high school and college.” You’ve heard that before by someone. And it’s true. But, it’s always so hard to keep them up. Well, I’m here to change your failing grades to straight A’s!

Okay, first you need to make sure you don’t have any late or missing work. Then, check for any upcoming tests. I bet most schools have an online website to check for tests and homework coming up. After you’ve completed all the major stuff, it’s time for easy A tasks. Homework and worksheets don’t count as much as tests or projects, but they’re still there. The little things can bring you down a few points if you don’t do good or don’t turn it in.

You’re looking at your grades and thinking, “Why are my grades so bad if I have everything done?” It’s probably because what you turned in has a low grade. A 70 or lower is fatal. If you can’t re-do it, try really hard on the next assignment.

Now, at the end of the semester, you should have better grades than before! Remember to try really hard now, so later you can get into the schools you want. 🙂


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How to Survive the Last Day of School

It’s the last day of school!!!!!

I bet you’re all excited for summer break and no schoolwork until the Fall. But, just in case you forgot about your school supplies in your locker, taking final exams, and making sure you have all A’s (okay, that’s a stretch, but at least try) I’m here to remind you on how to make it the best day of the whole year!

Do you have an end of the year party? I do, it’s the day your teachers let you get high on sugar! Before the party though, make sure you took home all your notebooks, textbooks, pens, pencils, erasers, highlighters, glue, scissors, folders, and anything else you might have. And make sure you also emptied out your backpack. Who knows what’s lurking in there?

Did you take your finals yet? Make sure you did, if not, you could get an F for the semester!


Okay, now we’ve got everything packed up, grades are good, and now we can party til Fall!

Have a great summer!!! 🙂


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How to Survive Recess

What is your favorite thing to do at recess? Is it the playground, basketball, soccer, volleyball, jump roping, tetherball, hula hooping, or just going to the library? There are so many things to do at recess! But, in a scary world where schools don’t have recess, kids are forced to go class after class and not let their energy out. Who will survive this madness five times a week?! Let’s see if I can tell you how to survive the zombie apocalypse of ugghhh students and how to get the best recess!

Can you think of something you like to do at recess? I like to go to the playground! If you have one, go to it! It’s super fun to play on, even as a 7th grader!  Or what about playing a sport like a soccer game? Getting exercise will make you more focused at school after recess. if you don’t have recess it must be awful! But, you can still get your energy out at P.E. or an after school activity. There are many ways to let the craziness out. What’s your favorite thing to do at recess?

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How to Survive Teachers Part 2

*Please read the first How to Survive Teachers before reading this, or you won’t understand very much.

Remember back when I attempted to tell you about the different types of teachers? Well, I bet you want to know how to survive them rather than just tell you about it. Time for…

Operation two: How To Survive Them

  • The mean one: They’re out to get you, but they only hate you because you’re slacking off or maybe it’s just because you’re the one who pulls pranks on teachers. Anyway, just try to be nice to them and they will be nicer to you.
  • The questionnaire: They have so many questions for the class, but nobody knows them. Take a whack at it, even if you get it wrong. They’ll help you out to get the right one. Answering questions and listening in class just makes you become a better test taker.
  • The newbie: We get it, they’re new and confused. Try helping them out, you don’t have to be a teacher’s pet, and no one is going to learn if the teacher is as confused as you.
  • The distracter: Things all over the classroom can be distracting, so keep your eyes on the books and less at your friends.
  • The student: Having fun is awesome, especially at school. But, if the teacher is trying to get your attention and you’re still having a dance party, you won’t learn. That will be a rude awakening for high school. So it’s good to have fun sometimes, but know when to stop.
  • The borer: You’ve got the pillows on the desk and the blankets on your laps, but what are you gaining? NOTHING! Wake the class up a little by having a group discussion or fun review game before tests.
  • The pusher: They only want every student to get the best education and you should too.
  • The zoning outer: Try to get the teacher back on topic, unless they’re talking about memes, then it’s acceptable.

Okay, now you have all the tips right? What about how to get a passing grade? You’ll just have to wait, while I think of some ideas bye for now! 🙂

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How to Survive Friends

“Okay, see you tomorrow, friend!” We all have friends in our lives. maybe not right now in middle school, it’s hard, but we all get them. It seems like as the years go on, the closer we get, the fights we may have, and the hardships of being with them is all a part of life. Sometimes we can’t get along, or they act different for a weird reason.  Let me try to tell you all I know about friends.

Hanging out with are friends can be really fun, but then there are those times that we have fights and disagreements. Sometimes we get mad, and other times they get mad. In middle school, lots of things are going on in our heads, tests, sports, family, time management, phones, and useless junk like what to wear to a party. But, communication is key. If you guys are really good friends or BFFs, you can trust the other one to keep secrets and tell them important things. My friend, S.S. and I are always telling secrets at school and at sleepovers at my house. You always know your friends are there, so if you are mad or upset about something, don’t hesitate to tell them. It will make you feel better.

Now, the moment you’ve all been waiting for, my friends! My best friend, S.S. is so funny, cool, for the most part happy, encouraging, sporty, creative, silly, and AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!! Try not to limit yourself to one friend (unless your a one of one kind of person)  I have lots of friends, but friends are not forever. Make new friends at a new school or grade, this will make your life more interesting and you’ll have a happy attitude!


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How to Survive Bullies

Admit it, we’ve all been bullied. You might have even been one, yourself. But it seems that bullying gets worse as time goes on. Let’s try to stop this, let’s see if we can stand up to the bullies and make the world a better place with these tips.

You need to stand up to the bully because if you don’t, you’re letting them win the battle. They can’t control you. If you are too scared to actually stand up to a bully and tell them off, tell a teacher or an adult about it. Usually, kids don’t want to because it can only make matters worse, but you never know what the outcome is until something happens. If you do stand up to the bully, please, no physical violence. It will make matters worse. Use nice words and be understanding, most bullies have a dramatic backstory like Dr. Doofenshmirtz from Disney’s Phineas and Ferb TM.

We’ve all heard of having that one wish, world peace. That’s exactly what this world needs these days. Without bullies, kids might actually want to come to school or get to know everyone in their class. We can all make the world a better place by taking out the violence and using our words. Our nice words. If you are being bullied or you are a bully, try to think about the person on the other end of the stick and what they’re going through. Treat others the way you want to be treated.

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How to Survive Writer’s Block

“How should I start this blog?” I bet we’ve always had that time when we are just so stuck on what to say in an essay for school. Right? It seems like when your teacher says you need so many paragraphs, sentences, or words and you just can’t find anything to say. Now your trouble in writing is over. I have lots of sentence starters, topics, and ways to fill in your writing with fun new vocabulary.

You can always find new ways to start a sentence to make your reader more interested. use words such as; therefore, first, second, lastly, finally, on the other hand, before, after, while, as well as, my, always, never, or names. Try to stay away from the words I, me, they, when, or then; they are not words that hook your reader in. But, there are lots more words out there that are waiting to be used.

If you have the ability to choose your topic, do pick a one that no one would think of using. Do one like this, You have fallen into an enormous bowl of flavored popcorn, once you sink into the bottom, you start to have hallucinations of…  Another solution is putting in figurative writing like similes and idioms. Finally, write about what you already know, that’s the best advice you can get for writing.

How about using new vocabulary in your writing? That’s important. It spices up your writing from a plain bowl of Rice Krispy cereal to the Texas fries at Chilis. Plus, it makes you sound smart to use big words. Instead of using big, use Gigantic! Huge! Larger than life! And start paying attention to the weekly vocab words. Your teacher will like that you’re applying them to the real world. I hope your writer’s block goes away and you can start up again. Bye!

How to Survive Teachers

There are all types of teachers, but how do you know if you have a good one? Easy,  just read this blog and you will know if you have the best teacher or the worst teacher in history! First, the different kinds of teachers. Then, how to survive them. Finally, get a passing grade in their class!

Operation one: Knowing your teacher

  • The mean one: The one who hates you and only wants to torture your middle school experience even further.
  • The questionnaire: The one who only asks questions and doesn’t matter how ridiculous the answer.
  • The Newbie: The one who’s new at teaching and is completely out of it and always uses the excuse they’re new.
  • The distracter: The one who has something about them that’s really distracting and you are failing the class.
  • The student: The one who just wants to make everything fun, happy, and gives out candy!
  • The borer: The one who only talks as if they were in a retirement home.
  • The pusher: the one who only pushes you to be your very best student!
  • The zoning outer: the one who is never on topic and is always in outer space, kind of like the students in the borer’s class.

Okay, now you know the different types of teachers, now how to survive them, well pray for mercy. Like I said there are all different types. Isn’t it time for some feedback from you guys? Leave a comment on how you survive your craziest teacher.


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How to Survive Late Work

“Okay class, pass up your homework for a grade.” Says the teacher as you’re scrambling to find it in your backpack. We’ve all at one time had late work. But there’s a way to not have any late work anymore.

The first thing is to get a planner or write a note to remind yourself about the homework or papers that need to be signed. Sometimes we forget about the very special signed papers, whatever it’s for, field trip, sports, clubs, schoolwork, and report cards. So make sure you pack that in a place you will see it in your backpack. Holding the paper of homework in your hand will help you remember as well. Next the homework, it’s probably why you have so much late work. You forgot about it, got a zero, and just let it go get lost in the bottomless backpack. So try doing it in a study hall and put it a folder for homework or that subject. So now you have everything ready for school.

“Do you have your missing work?” Your teacher asks you with your innocent smile on your face. But now you don’t need to have that face because you just received some great tips on how to never have missing, late work. Oh, and one more thing, make sure you do the work correctly, or you won’t get the credit. See you next week!