How To Survive Grades

“Your grades are important for high school and college.” You’ve heard that before by someone. And it’s true. But, it’s always so hard to keep them up. Well, I’m here to change your failing grades to straight A’s!

Okay, first you need to make sure you don’t have any late or missing work. Then, check for any upcoming tests. I bet most schools have an online website to check for tests and homework coming up. After you’ve completed all the major stuff, it’s time for easy A tasks. Homework and worksheets don’t count as much as tests or projects, but they’re still there. The little things can bring you down a few points if you don’t do good or don’t turn it in.

You’re looking at your grades and thinking, “Why are my grades so bad if I have everything done?” It’s probably because what you turned in has a low grade. A 70 or lower is fatal. If you can’t re-do it, try really hard on the next assignment.

Now, at the end of the semester, you should have better grades than before! Remember to try really hard now, so later you can get into the schools you want. 🙂


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