How to Survive Recess

What is your favorite thing to do at recess? Is it the playground, basketball, soccer, volleyball, jump roping, tetherball, hula hooping, or just going to the library? There are so many things to do at recess! But, in a scary world where schools don’t have recess, kids are forced to go class after class and not let their energy out. Who will survive this madness five times a week?! Let’s see if I can tell you how to survive the zombie apocalypse of ugghhh students and how to get the best recess!

Can you think of something you like to do at recess? I like to go to the playground! If you have one, go to it! It’s super fun to play on, even as a 7th grader!  Or what about playing a sport like a soccer game? Getting exercise will make you more focused at school after recess. if you don’t have recess it must be awful! But, you can still get your energy out at P.E. or an after school activity. There are many ways to let the craziness out. What’s your favorite thing to do at recess?

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